StyleCI Blog

More New PHP Fixers

September 06, 2021

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We’ve added the following new PHP fixers: empty_loop_body_braces, empty_loop_body_semicolon, empty_loop_condition, integer_literal_case, modernize_strpos (risky), native_constant_invocation_strict (risky), native_function_invocation_strict (risky), php_unit_internal_class, phpdoc_var_order, psr12_class_definition, union_type_with_spaces, and union_type_without_spaces.

Additionally, the error_suppression fixer has been renamed to deprecation_error_suppression, the single_line_class_definition fixer has been renamed to symfony_class_definition, and the final_static_access fixer has been removed in faviour of self_static_accessor. For now, the old fixer names will still work.

Finally, the class_definition fixer has been removed from the psr12 preset and the psr12_class_definition fixer added. The native_constant_invocation and no_blank_lines_between_traits fixers have been removed from the symfony preset and the empty_loop_body_braces, empty_loop_condition, integer_literal_case, native_constant_invocation_strict and union_type_without_spaces fixers added. The no_blank_lines_between_traits fixer has been removed from the laravel preset and the integer_literal_case and union_type_without_spaces fixers added. The no_blank_lines_between_traits fixer has been removed from the recommended preset and the integer_literal_case and union_type_without_spaces fixers added.

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